Dec 10, 2013
Kelli Smith, Megan Johnson, and Stephanie Hall join us for a lively discussion on the best books of 2013.
Nov 21, 2013
Fantasy fiction expert Lisa Brien joins us to discuss the various types of fantasy books as well as her favorite authors and titles.
Oct 30, 2013
Miranda Ericsson joins us for an in-depth discussion about one of her favorite authors, Maraget Atwood, in this entertaining and informative episode.
Oct 10, 2013
Sandy Hestand and Michelle Stottlemire join us to talk about Doctor Who and their upcoming program celebrating 50 years of the Doctor.
Sep 18, 2013
In prepartion for Halloween Brian Adams joins us and gives an overview of the history of horror films, starting with the classic Unviersal movies from the '30s and going up to present day. Along the way he gives us some of his favorite movies and genres.