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The Bookmark

The Bookmark podcast is your place to find your next great book. Each week, join readers Miranda Ericsson, Chris Blocker and Autumn Friedli along with other librarians as they discuss all the books you'll want to add to your reading list.

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Jan 23, 2014

When you hear the word "essays" if you only think of boring school assignments, you need to think again.  In this episode of Hush Amber Bonnett joins us to talk about the wonderful, funny, heartwarming, and fascinating world of essays.  You'll come away with a new idea of how entertaining essays can be, as well as a...

Jan 2, 2014

If you think you know everything there is to know about Kansas authors, think again.  In this edition of Hush, Miranda Ericsson joins us to discuss new and exciting Kansas authors who write in a wide variety of genres and styles.